I need a customer number!!


New Member
I need a customer number after i get to the blablabla.com/install/install.php

New Installation
vBulletin 3.8.1 Installer

Customer Number

This is the number with which you log in to the vBulletin.com Members' Area

It says like that except with the vB type of page...

what's the customer number??
Umm, you need to use keygen.php before using ./install/install.php
If you execute yoursite.xxx/keygen.php , it will generate and insert a serial into a files that require one. Also, it will tell you the Customer Number and a License Number for later use.
*NOTE: You really should write down those 2 strings of numbers, because "IF" your host provider will want to check that your board is legit, you always could tell him License and Customer Numbers, and that "May" or Might not work..