I know that I get the answer here :)


Hello all <br />
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I am so happy to have found this forum - It's really great and I also try to answer a couple of questions per week :))<br />
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Here is my question - Whenever someone enters a path on my domain that is wrong the "standard"-message appears.....<br />
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I already saw some websites which had a specialpage for such cases, where they mention that this was a wrong address and then - redirect to the mainpage....great stuff....<br />
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Does anyone know how that works ???<br />
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regards to all of you - Markus<!--content-->Hi, this is done in your .htaccess file. Find out the correct way to write it here.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.perlaccess.com/tutorials/8/8.9.html">http://www.perlaccess.com/tutorials/8/8.9.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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good luck.<!--content-->aaaaa lot :) (was forced to enter anything)<!--content-->