I have no windows or IE


I have made the switch to linux. Now I have no way to check my page on IE. In another post scoutt said:<br />
"here is a secret, if you code in NS and it looks good in NS it will always run in IE.<br />
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if you want compatibility then don't code for IE but code for NS"<br />
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is that true? I built a page that looked perfect in Konqurer, and Mozilla, but it was horrible in IE due to the fact that I used "position:fixed" in my css. If I had used one of those validator thingies would my error have shown up? <br />
I am looking for a way to keep my environment windows free.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
JS<!--content-->What scout said is partially true.<br />
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Sites built for NS will almost always look good in IE while the other way around isn't even true half of the time.<br />
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My guess is that you'd best be sure to stick to the W3C norms and code for NS and regularry check the design in IE (perhaps on another pc??) Most of the troubles with IE vs NS lies in table layour and CSS positioning so keep those in mind!<!--content-->Thanks, it sounds like I have to do my homework. This little project is turning into a full time hobby.<br />
I was kind of hoping to find a version of IE which will work on my linux machine. That would make life so simple.<br />
I saw one german page where IE has been ported to solaris, but that doesn't help right?<br />
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Well, back to the tutorials with me, thanks again,<br />
JS<!--content-->and another thing you have to remember. IE has a bigger window than most browsers. NS calculates the scroll bar as well and IE doesn't, to make the total width. I might have that backwards too.<br />
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I have heard konqurer has made a wonderful change and is one of the most compliant browser along with mozilla.<br />
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so if you are desgining for mozilla and konqurer then yeah it will look nice, and remember, IE isn't at all compliant as the rest.<br />
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always double check your work on the validator, even if you only code for mozilla.<br />
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also what I said was more geard to NS4.xx when I said that a long time agoooooo :)<!--content-->Thanks, I know it was awhile ago, but I like to look over the old posts to see if my question had already been answered. I did not find the answer I was looking for and thought maybe someone had a trick for me.<br />
I don't want to overwork you all when all I have to to is read the answer.<br />
;)<br />
JS<!--content-->you can install IE on linux with wine (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winehq.com/">http://www.winehq.com/</a><!-- m -->) (not the alcoholic kind, it's a development tool for porting windows sources to linux, i don't have it installed but have come across a few people who ahve no problem running IE with it, there is another prgram that you can install ie onto linux with but i can't remember the name sorry, something 'office'?<!--content-->thank you, a lot of members forget about that search feature :)<!--content-->wine, it will work for IE, (scratching chin) now why didn't I think of that?.<br />
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The other program is cross-over office. It costs about $55.00 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.codeweavers.com">www.codeweavers.com</a><!-- w --> but I would not be able to explain to my wife how I had her switch to Open Office because I was too cheap to buy Cross-over office, and now get the cross-over office to look at webpages? I would be in the doghouse for a month.<br />
But I will give wine a try,<br />
Thankyou!<br />
JS<!--content-->Oh oh, the setup program for IE6 will not install on my computer as it cannot find any windows. <br />
Any one have any ideas?<!--content-->you have to setup a 'fake' windows in wine, try an earlier version of ie (ie5 - 5.5), here this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://kt.zork.net/wine/wn20020613_126.html#4">http://kt.zork.net/wine/wn20020613_126.html#4</a><!-- m -->) should help you out :)<br />
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or you could just use opera, it has a setting where it can 'pretend' to be IE.<!--content-->great, thanks for the link. I like the name, I played zork back in the early '80s...yes, I'm that old lol.<br />
But before I try the older IE, you said opera acts like IE? That sounds like an excellent alternative for an anti-windows rebel like me. If opera can display my mistakes just like IE would, then I am set and still 100% windows-free.<br />
:)<br />
thankyou for the wonderful tip,<br />
JS<!--content-->Originally posted by leoo24 <br />
or you could just use opera, it has a setting where it can 'pretend' to be IE. <br />
Opera can identify itself as IE, which fools webpages with browser filters, but it doesn't render like IE. So that wouldn't be a solution.<!--content-->...oh well, at least now I can see how my page will look in opera. lol<br />
I will try the older IE in the morning, Thanks for the help guys,<br />
goodnight,<br />