New Member
i have code it can be sum two textbox values using javascript but problem is that when i entered amount into \[code\]recamt\[/code\] textbox value and javascript count again and again \[code\]recamt\[/code\] textbox values it should be count only one time \[code\]recamt\[/code\] textbox value not again and again?\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">function B(){document.getElementById('advance').value='advance').value))+(parseFloat(document.getElementById('recamt').value));return false;} </script><input class="input_field2" type="text" readonly name="advance" id="advance" value="" onfocus="return B(0);" /><br /><input class="input_field2" type="text" name="recamt" id="recamt">\[/code\]