I have a problem!


Well people has been complaining on how my site looks in netscape. :(<br />
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And I don't have netscape to see the problem. Neither can I Download <!--more--> it (because it takes over 9 hours.)<br />
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Could you tell me what is wrong and how to fix it?<br />
This would be a great help.<!--content-->9m hours to Download <!--more--> netscape? C'mon! Thats pretty unrealistic.<br />
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heres the url folks: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wizardsdesignz.com/">http://www.wizardsdesignz.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->the first problem I see is that you wrote the site in frontpage. This is the main source of the problem. A table is out of alignment, thats about all I see.<!--content-->Well my ISP sucks REALLY BAD.<br />
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I get disconnected ever 2 hours. I have a program to continue Download <!--more-->s after they stoped. Then it takes like 10 min to get conected again. So yea it takes about that long.<!--content-->I didn't go look in Netscape tonight cause I've got like a bazillion things running currently and I'd rather not have my system suddenly decide to say "f*** You!!" and crash.. LOL. However, regarding the Netscape Download <!--more--> problem... I ran into it too... its really a PIA unless you've got DSL or something. My solution was to spend the money and order the CD of it. In the long run thats honestly (IMHO) the best way to go... cause god forbid you have to...<shudder, cringe> reformat your drive... its way easier to re-install it from the disk, rather then re-Download <!--more-->ing the mother again.<br />
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Just my passing thought is all.<!--content-->Yea. I want to order the cd but my dad don't let me use his credit card online. :(<!--content-->I don't know about other versions of Netscape, but your saite looks fine in Netscape 6 :)<!--content-->ok.<br />
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The other versions is what I am worrying about.<!--content-->It's all out of alignment in Netscape 4.7. I'm not exactly sure why. It's always possible that there's an unclosed table or td tag that's a problem but I haven't found one as yet. One thing that might be a problem - not sure - is that form fields are larger in Netscape. They might be pushing things out of whack.<!--content-->yea. I never did like netscape because most sites look really bad with it.<!--content-->Why can everyone just use IE! :(<!--content-->some people don't like IE just because its a microsoft product. Also a lot of linux users will use Netscape instead. <br />
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Finally a lot of times that the pages look bad in Netscape..... its the code, not the browser.<!--content-->they look fine in IE!!! But netscape messes them up. :(<!--content-->Well, ive found the main problem is tables, in IE they work fine code is right and everything. Then we go to Netscape, and everythings resized, somethings dont work, alignment is wrong.<br />
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In Linux i use Netscape.<!--content-->Dr. Web probably means that sometimes pages with errors display fine in IE but Netscape is less forgiving, so if there are errors in your code that can be the problem. There are other differences, too, though. Form fields, table borders and table backgrounds are all much more designer-friendly in IE and to some extent in NN6, than in NN4.<!--content-->I guess.<br />
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But Netscape needs to make there browser better.<!--content-->Well, they have in a way. Netscape 6 supports a lot of things better than NN4x. But..it's still not as friendly in the way in handles tables, quite apart from the issue of coding them correctly, and it's a bit buggy, or at least the version that i have is.<!--content-->yea.<br />
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I don't think they will even get it right.<!--content-->Originally posted by zenyenta <br />
Well, they have in a way. Netscape 6 supports a lot of things better than NN4x. But..it's still not as friendly in the way in handles tables, quite apart from the issue of coding them correctly, and it's a bit buggy, or at least the version that i have is. NN6 supports iFrames to which other versions of Netscape doesn't.<!--content-->I don't know how to work with iFrames. :(<br />
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Never really tried though.<!--content-->