I have a problem with my backend


The backend of my website, that is.<br />
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This might be too customized of a problem, but here goes:<br />
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I am developing a site for a client which resides on a server (that lives 50 miles from my office in another satellite office). I have to map to the server every a.m. to see the page properly. When I want my boss to see the work I've done, he has to come to my desk, because the images do not come up on his screen. (He says he doesn't have to map to the server every morning, that he's already hooked up somehow.)<br />
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Now, all of the images are in their own directory, and the paths are all relative. So I'm lost as to why they aren't appearing.<br />
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Anyone have any insight? Because the technical support boobs here at this major corporation don't have a clue.<br />
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Trish1206<!--content-->I'm not too hot on this, but it sounds like your boss is wrong about his pc mapping. If he goes out try it on his pc and see what you get!!<!--content-->I have a problem with my backend<-- hehehhehe<!--content-->hmm.. thats odd.. i think hes doing something that is messing it up.<!--content-->I would certainly like to get trish stratus from the back end. Are you sure you cant do an XML QuaziLayer? <xml=)diff.layer<Content></xml><!--content-->Originally posted by trish1206 <br />
The backend of my website, that is.<br />
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This might be too customized of a problem, but here goes:<br />
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I am developing a site for a client which resides on a server (that lives 50 miles from my office in another satellite office). I have to map to the server every a.m. to see the page properly. When I want my boss to see the work I've done, he has to come to my desk, because the images do not come up on his screen. (He says he doesn't have to map to the server every morning, that he's already hooked up somehow.)<br />
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Now, all of the images are in their own directory, and the paths are all relative. So I'm lost as to why they aren't appearing.<br />
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Anyone have any insight? Because the technical support boobs here at this major corporation don't have a clue.<br />
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Trish1206 <br />
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HI trish! <br />
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from what you wrote above, i'm catching a couple of things. <br />
1. are you wanting to display the "pages" mentioned above via web browser?<br />
2. what format are the pages in?<br />
3. does the remote computer you are having to map to every am have IIS or appache installed on it (so you can browse the files it has via URL.. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://testmachine/">http://testmachine/</a><!-- m -->)<br />
4. what format are the images in?<br />
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i think i can help you on this one!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Pixelmonkey:<br />
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The answers to your questions:<br />
1. are you wanting to display the "pages" mentioned above via web browser? The pages are actually an HTML slide show that launches into its own browser. <br />
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2. what format are the pages in? See #1<br />
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3. does the remote computer you are having to map to every am have IIS or appache installed on it (so you can browse the files it has via URL.. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://testmachine/">http://testmachine/</a><!-- m -->) I don't know about IIS or apache, but when I want to see the page I can access it by the server's own URL. It's like, "http://www.portal-dev1...."<br />
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4. what format are the images in? I'm having deja vu.<!--content-->originally posted by tony10<br />
I would certainly like to get trish stratus from the back end<br />
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:D:D ditto :D:D<br />
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you can set it to hook up everytime you start the computer. that is probably what the has done. as far as the images it just might ba a setting in, IE or whatever, to turn them off. he might have them off on his computer.<!--content-->is it a public accessable URL? if you have one to post i can check the image tags and run a source location much quicker. as for the images format, i'm looking for something like .jpg .gif .tif .bmp .pcx .eps / ect....<br />
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i was unsure about the proper area to place this post when i first viewed it. i'm thinking it would work best in the HTML layout... seems like the files are being cached onto your system after mapping / accessing the drive via network, so , when viewing the pages locally everything displays properly.<br />
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the best help i can give now will require some code or a "print screen" of the dir structure you are using.<br />