I have a little big problem with mysql


Staff member
I installed the latest version of PHP and MySQL on my Computer (Windows 200O)
When I try to connect to the local MySQL-DB everything is ok. So I used a GUI (DBTools) and created a DB named "PHPTEST" then i created a table named "test_counter_1" and two collumns (ID AS string, value AS integer).
Then I use the following test-script to
insert data in the table:

$link = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "password") or die ("error!");
mysql_select_db ("phptest") or die ...;
$query = "INSERT INTO test_counter_1 VALUES ('sfgh', 10)" or die ...;
mysql_close ($link);

Then my GUI tells me that the table has no rows!

What went wrong? I tried a lot!
When I use the same SQL-Query in the DBTools SQL-Query-Editor it works!

I hope you can help me!

THX in advance
