I have a few questions about this website's mods.


New Member
Hello. I wanted to ask some questions about what this website uses for its mods.

First of all, other vb would say:

userid=1 but instead on this website it says monoxera.html

Also when posting links on this forum, it would usually show up at
the PURE link such as
But then on this website it shows up as vBTEAM UNDERGROUND - POST NEW THREAD.

What mods are these?
Thanks ^^

But if I install this and I am currently on 3.8.2, does this mean that I have to install my vbulletin mods all over again?

Also it says that it's 3.3.0 so is that just a customized version of vb 3.3.0 for better search engine optimization?

And I'm guessing the AUTO tag embeds are a feature from vbSeo?

Thanks Hoxxy