I-Frame usability


I am creating a site for my office. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.design-oriented.com/Layouts/Layout03.html">http://www.design-oriented.com/Layouts/Layout03.html</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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I would like to keep the top and bottom bar static. And everything happens in the middle section. I tried setting it up using frames. But it is very cumbersome. I was considering using two seperate i-frames for the Menu and the Body of the site. <br />
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I know i-frames have issues with anything older than Netscape 6. But from what I know, 89% of all users have an i-frame friendly browser. So basicly I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what I can do. I am programming the site using HTML and JavaScript. I do not know any of the other languages.<!--content-->I don't know why you would wan't to use frames as a few<br />
things comes to mind. <br />
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1. You'll nearly have to double your work.<br />
2. When search machines picks up one of your pages it could<br />
be a frame that would seem like nonsence for the actual<br />
visitor when clicking it from the search result, as <br />
frames always needs three or more pages.<br />
3. As you mentioned yourself the browser issue.<br />
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Personally doing modern days web pages I would use tables<br />
and nothing more. You could also use shtml but again you'll <br />
have to consider if this is the right approach for you when <br />
it comes to certain search engines. <br />
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If it's a menu question there a several ways to solve this <br />
using java scripts, if you want the menu to stay visual at<br />
all time while visitors are browsing your pages.<br />
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Just some ideas.<br />
Good luck!<br />
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Darren<!--content-->Darren: What is wrong with iframe?<br />
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I know framesets are deprecated in the HTML 4.01 standard, but iframes are coming in. or at least so I thought.<br />
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jtlloyd: Don't be ashamed of "only knowing HTML and Javascript" - and don't be afraid to learn something new.<br />
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4 months ago I didn't know anything - then my company decided they wanted a website, and as I was the only one with programming experience (albeit in C/C++) they gave it to me. I have learnt HTML and Javascript pretty good now - but i still ask for help - and I have a fair knowledge of PHP now too. All because they could do what I needed to get done - so I asked.<!--content-->Horus_Kol: <br />
There's nothing wrong with I-Frames other than what I <br />
mentioned above. <br />
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Frames seems to me like the "old" way of designing web<br />
pages, and nearly every search engine picks up all pages<br />
found on your site once it has been submited. <br />
This can result in leaving "nearly blank pages" for search <br />
engines to add, allowing users to click and visit them. <br />
Or put into other words "Pages that doesn't make any<br />
sence". The majority will quickly leave the page and <br />
probaly never come back as blank pages or pages which only<br />
has got a menu seem's unprofessional.<br />
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I know you can avoid this by programming your way out of it<br />
but then we are a back to my first point which was:<br />
1. You'll nearly have to double your work. <br />
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I was only a thought - it's up to each individual to do<br />
whatever he/her finds suitable, however I would still<br />
recommend Tables.<br />
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Darren<!--content-->Well there are a couple reasons why I am considering frames because from my experience, tables cannot accomplish what I want to do. <br />
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Like the menu for instance. When you select services for instance, I would like the services to drop down like windows explorer works. The 3 services will show up underneath, and push the other categories down the page. And I have not found anything with JavaScript that would allow this to work.<br />
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Second, the body. I would like that bar at the bottom of the page to always be visible. so it means I would need that section, and only that section to scroll. Because if need be, I would rather have someone scroll within a window and have the menu bar visible at all time rather than having to scroll back to the top of the page to select the menu again.<br />
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I mean I am up for options. Just learning new things takes awhile. It took me awhile to learn HTML on my own. And I am supposed to have the site done by the end of the month. Which does not leave much time to learn. But does not mean I cannot go back at a later date and redo it.<!--content-->* Like the menu for instance...<br />
A layer and your script will get you far.<br />
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* Second, the body....<br />
Again a layer and your script will get you far.<br />
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but as mentioned before it's up to each individual to do <br />
whatever he/her finds suitable. <br />
Frames works great, however there are certain issues one<br />
have to be aware before using them, but if this is not<br />
problem - well go ahead and use frames.<br />
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Darren<!--content-->Where would I find script that I could look at? What language can you use layers in? Can you give me a webpage as an example?<!--content-->http://javascript.internet.com/ will give probably all the <br />
scripts you need and there are probaly a thousand other <br />
sites, if you do not program the scripts yourself.<br />
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I would suggest using Dreamweaver if you are not familiar <br />
working with layers and place your script in layer's for<br />
constant visible objects.<br />
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You can always measure the screens resolution by using<br />
screen.height screen.width and place your objects using<br />
screen.top and screen.left <br />
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Well thats the basic procedures. I never used it myself but<br />
thats how the programming language looks like.<br />
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Hope this answers your question.<br />
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