I feel off page work to be more difficult compared to on page


New Member
I feel off page work to be more difficult compared to on page. Since on page work i do it once properly but i don't have that much idea or the way to build more backlinks through off pages. Some one please suggest the best off page work that is really effective. you are right... the hardest part in SEO is to find a lot of relevant links... You can say Off Page tough, because it requires much regularity.

You can do following;

Article Submission
Press Release Submission
Forum Participation
Directory Submission
Question and Answers Participation
Blog Posting and Commenting
haahah, yeah, bro, you got it now

The main difference between on-page an doff-page is that once you start off-page - you cant be done with it. Never. You should keep doing it all the time if you are really interested in your on-line business. You really should devote most of your time doing off-page SEO for relevant success.
It was mentioned alredy in previous post ways for good off-page seo. I'd add also link exchange with related websites. If you will do it manually - very good. There are no other faster ways, expect automate submissions.

All the best,
BD To getting more qualitative backlinks is doing article submission, directory submission, press release, forum posting and blog commenting but in high PR sites then yours. Don't do spamming. This will surely help you. Quality back links are most important for ranking................ and it is the only thing which requires lot of sweat and hard work to generate. On-page is also difficult because its not easy to get and find the right keywords for your site because of competition and other factors. For me doing off-page is much more easy because there are lots of different resources that you can use and strategy to follow how to get a good ranking for your site. Sometimes, you just need to be resourceful and creative to get the right tactics for your site. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra Geo I feel off page work to be more difficult compared to on page. Since on page work i do it once properly but i don't have that much idea or the way to build more backlinks through off pages. Some one please suggest the best off page work that is really effective. What worked for us are:
article submission,
Blog commenting and
forum posting.

These should be done with a plan though
Think you are beginning to see a pattern here:

Submit articles, comment on blogs, post on forums, submit to high ranking directories (especially if you can find some in your niche market), set up business profiles where you can, press releases and try to set up some fan/group pages on social media sites like Facebook etc. I know it is time consuming but the end results will be improved so much in the end. Getting high quality links are quite difficult because links are now a major commodity. Valuable links are difficult to obtain. The most valuable links come from sources where your competitors are unlikely to get the same link. Off-page SEO is the essential component behind getting high rankings. Off-page SEO is continuous and ongoing; therefore, you need to devote 1 -2 hours each day to this process. The more links, or referrals from other sites, you have the higher your rankings. Who knows about harder, but definitely more time consuming and frustrating. it is difficult when your new because it requires patient,hard work and consistency but when you tend to get used to it it's like playing basketball. Onpage is done at the beginning stage and only need to make small adjustment/improvement time to time. However, off-page is on-going process and therefore it is harder. There are no "fastest way", all is about link building.
You want to get it fast, go for link trade but it is abit risky No wonder the off page optimization tasks might be a bit more difficult and complex than working on your pages, editing their titles, adding some H tags to your contents or installing some SE friendly navigational menus. While talking about the search engines world, we are going to deal with generating results, conversions and sales and big part of achieving these goals would be to build links for the websites. Sometimes thousands of links would be required before the newly launched sites begin experiencing some web traffic.