I do not see the text in 'Chiller' font, I request while using google web fonts


New Member
I was trying to use google web fonts on my JSP page but it doesn't seem to work correctly. On my Fedora 16 OS I have got \[code\]Chiller\[/code\] font installed. And when I run the code that displays the text in \[code\]Chiller\[/code\] font using google font apis on Fedora, it displays the text in that font but when I try it on Ubuntu, that doesn't have the chiller font installed, browser displays the default font it might use in the fallback. What could be the reason for this ? The snippet :\[code\]<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Chiller"> <style> #page_font { font-family: 'Chiller'; font-size: 50px; } </style> <title>New Year Countdown </title></head><body> <div id="page_font"> <br /> Countdown </div> </body>\[/code\]Note: The web address of that JSP page, where I have used this snippet.