I do not know where to start


New Member
Can someone tell me where a .asp developer should start.<BR><BR>I feel so overwhelmed.<BR><BR>I installed both server components on my XP machine when I installed VS.NET. So I should technically have a 'localhost'?<BR><BR>All I want to be able to do is create .aspx pages on my remote website for starters. But everything I try seems to have a catch.<BR><BR>What to do?<BR>When all else fails buy (beg, borrow, or steal) a book.<BR><BR>I bought "Beginning ASP.NET using VB.NET" (Wrox) - which I think is great. The first couple of chapters get you set up - checking your web server is configured correctly and you have ASP.NET installed - then it works you up introducing all the cool ASP.NET stuff, creating little sample apps as you go...<BR><BR>When you want to try some more funky stuff then there is plenty of stuff coming online now.<BR><BR>Good Luck - It'll all make sense soon...<BR><BR>Dan<BR><BR>p.s. I don't work for Wrox