I desperately need help in designing a full-blown message bo


New Member
Heya, guys! My name's Alhadis, and I'm new to this board! :) I'm pleased to meet all of you!

I came to this forum hoping that you guys would give me step-by-step help in helping me to design a message board forum! I know it might be a pretty big thing, but I really need your help! So if a patient user could be so generous as to help me out, I'd be very much appreciative! :)

Okay! Well, I'm using 1st Page 2000 (since I'm pretty much an amateur when it comes to web-page designing!) and I'm eager to design a proper, laid-out message board forum for our site! (The exact type of forum I'm looking at is mentioned at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://boards.wizards.com">http://boards.wizards.com</a><!-- m --> (boards.wizard.com)! You know... accounts, avatars, smilies... that sort of thing!) I'm not after the basic type of forum... I'm after something just like this one! :)

Can anybody please help me? Thanks in advance! :D Much appreciated!

- Alhadis!