I cant figure out how to connect my custom tooltip I created to an image map. Basically, I don't know what to put in my area tags to call the tooltip function. Everything I have tried either doesn't work, or it shows up in the default tooltip. I have created an example on jsFiddle if someone wants to check it out. All help would be very appreciated!Here is the example, http://jsfiddle.net/edocurug15/yNAsy/\[code\]$(document).ready(function () {//Tooltips$(".tip_trigger").hover(function () { tip = $(this).find('.tip'); tip.show(); //Show tooltip}, function () { tip.hide(); //Hide tooltip }).mousemove(function (e) { var mousex = e.pageX + 20; var mousey = e.pageY + 20; var tipWidth = tip.width(); var tipHeight = tip.height();area title="This is the left eye" shape="rect" coords="373,365,404,402" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14594438/#"\[/code\]What do I put in my area tags to display the tooltip???