I cannot see Google adsense at all


New Member
Hello all,I have noticed a strange problem that I cannot see google adsense at any web site. I follow the instruction by:temporarily uninstal nortondisable firewallunistall addawarealso enable scripting of java aplet on IE6but still cannot see google adsense. Is someone has the same problem?any comments and suggesion will be appreciated.thanks in advanceubkI have added a adsense ad on one of my web pages and it is also not showing up. Seems like the Adsense network is currently down.Hi UBK,Is your javascript working fine, also which browser you are using?Mainly Firefox. Not showing in IE neither. I tried different ads on different pages where Ads (less than 3) are already coexisting. It did generate space for the size of the banner however it is showing null.If this is the site:http://www.dwyane-wade-flash.com/I can very well see the google adsHave you checked javascript option in MozillaYou can go there from:Tools> Options >Web features > Enable JavascriptThank you all who reply to my post. But it was realy a very strange problem and I figure it out.actualy theire was no problem with browser and so on.the only problem is some how the HOST file was currupted by some trojan or spyware(who knows)the file existC:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etcI back up the file and its show now everything fine.thanks once again for the replies.HOST file can actually be useful to block advertising URL's for faster browsing Some anti-spyware applications modify your hosts file to block advertisements, pagead2.googlesyndication.com just so happens to be on some of their lists.You may have been better off removing lines containing Google URLs that reverting to a backup file.