Well,I have been concentrating on google for the last year and have not gotten very far. I show up for a lot of minor and specific search terms butI have really wanted the following terms:1.Florida Fishing2.Florida Hunting3.Florida fishing Forums4.Florida Hunting ForumsI dont show up in the top 100for the fisrt two listed,and I am at like 150 or somethingfor the second two.Today i was frustrated and did a checkinto yahoo and msn to see if I showed upin their SERPS.HOLY MOLY!my findings for yahoo and msn were almostidentical. Here is what I found.Florida Fishing #128Florida Hunting #10Florida Fishing Forums #6Florida Hunting Forums #1Here is the interesting part.I havent seen any increased trafficlately at all. In fact my traffice has dropped since the holiday craziness began.I even checked my top referers andneither yahoo or msn are listed.in the top 25.Anyway just wanted to show you allGoogle still remains number #1 in my book.I will say this is sure was nice to type inthose words and see my site up there. DougHmmmm .... Very interesting, Yahoo just surpassed Google in my referrers list for the first time --- just this week. MSN is a dismal third place, even though they have the same rankings as Yaho
verall I get the most referrals from my links with other sites, and they are more reliable than search engine rankings.Yahoo and MSN seems to be getting better though.gigablast is getting good too.Applying this mod_rewrite will give you better results with Google:http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/2207However, it will also potentially screw up (or help *shrug) your current serps with Yahoo temporarily.You can search the programming board for mod_rewrite to read more.im pretty sure bill gates is renting from yahoo's search engine services.... MSN is using Yahoo search!I have overture capmpaigns in yahoo, and guess what, it shows up in MSN too. woohoo!that is why yahoo search results are the same as msn results.msn search is no longer powered by yahoo since msn beta search has been put 2 proper useI just read that a share of google stock is worth around $165... I wish I had invested in its early years..Quote: