I am having a trouble loading a specific js file using jquerymobile


New Member
I am using jquerymobile to display some of my html. I have a list of data that is displayed when I call a js function pagebeforeshow. However, sometimes when I navigate away from the page and then back to the page, js page does note load. I know jquerymobile has a unique way of navigating from different pages using ajax. However, I still don't understand why the js file isn't reloaded when I navigate back to the my page. Should I try and use something else besides "pagebeforeshow" ?This is the basis of what I'm doing:\[code\]//javascript that calls a function before page loads//this function populates a list that is displayed in the <ul> tag in the html(function () { $(document).delegate('#govern-people-me', 'pagebeforeshow', function () { loadMessages();});//html code<div> <ul id="govern-conversation-list"data-role="listview"> //<li>'s are populated here from the javascript </ul></div>\[/code\]