I am a new dad can I get some help on how to treat my girlfriend?


New Member
My girlfriend is 11 weeks pregnant. We have worked in the same company for 8 months now. I am an affiliate company and she is with a different company working with the same sister company. I have dated her for a few months. I love the girl. My business however is a little slow and she works.... She is very moody , has morning sickness, and I can't seem to say anything right to her. Before it was good talking to her and she listened when she had to and I did when I had to but now it is tuff because I see sometimes she have to listen and all she does is sleep after work sleeps in the car. And we never get any time to talk about our serious self developement as a family per say. We do but they are like 3 mins long and she goes back into the tired mode. does anyone have any ideas on how to treat her. also remember that my business is very slow. I can only keep our phones working because that is our business unlimited wireless devices.<br />
thank you all for your insight. They were all very helpful. I absolutely give women even more credit than I have already been giving them. however i can only choose one best answer.<br />
thank you all for your insight. They were all very helpful. I absolutely give women even more credit than I have already been giving them. however i can only choose one best answer.<br />
Early pregnancy can be very difficult for some women. The exhaustion is often overwhelming. She wil probably feel much better once she is in the second trimester. My advice to you is to hang in there for 2 weeks!
its no suprise being tired and morning sickness and alot of the time those get worse. help her there are tons of home remedies for morning sickness you can try. try to make or have things she can snack on because she shouldnt feel as sick with stuff in her stomach. i know its hard but just be there and support her. do whatever you can to make her day easier
The tired phase is normal and it usually goes away at about 16 weeks. I would take her out to dinner and tell her you would like to talk. Give her plenty of notice and time to get ready and be prepared for her to say she's too tired and it might take a few tries to get her there. I hated eating and going out to restaurants in early pregnancy but I think a restaurant is a place where she can't fall asleep on you and you should be able to have an important conversation with her.
Be understanding and compassionate. Your mind can't even begin to understand what her body is going through. You think it's easy growing a baby inside of you? The first trimester is really bad for exhaustion, it usually gets better in the second. Don't pressure her to talk, if she's tired, let her sleep. It truly is exhausting. Treat her like a Queen, thats how you can treat her.
Great job. She's happy with you, its just that her hormones are out of whack. If you need to communicate with her, then the best way would be to write down what you want to say to her. Make her a cute, home-made greeting card telling her how you miss her and want to talk again. But be patient, carrying another life inside of you can be very draining. Extra credit bring her sweets, rub her belly, and every day, tell her you love her and the baby and will never leave. Good luck to the family.
The first trimester is extremely tough. Her hormones are going nuts which can cause her to be irritable, tired, nauseous, sometimes even sore. Try to be as patient as you can with her right now. Be there for her as much as you can. Whether it be a helping hand, or a listening ear. Make sure she knows you love her and that you're there for her. Nothing is better (or sexier) than a father showing devotion and anticipation from the very beginning.
Get this book and read it, What to expect when you're expecting. It is very educational about pregnancy and will tell you what's going on while she is pregnant and why. There is a section just for dad's to be also. Give her space, being pregnant isn't easy, and can be very uncomfortable. Read the book, it will answer all your questions, and you will understand why her moods are so crazy. Hormones, honey, and lots of 'em. She is acting completely normal, don't take it personal. Just do what you can to keep her comfortable and happy. Being tired the first tri-mester is expected and normal. The 2nd, she will most likely have more energy and the mornign sickness will usually ease up or go away for good. Her back will hurt, her legs, and its hard for women to adjust to the weight they are gaining, especially if the weight makes them feel unattractive. Pamper her a little, it may get her off your back a bit. If you make her feel guilty for needing to sleep, she will resent you. Her body needs rest, let her rest. After the baby is born, look forward to some sleepless nights. Let her get all the rest she can now, and you better do the same. Kids are very demanding and need fed, changed, held. So, make sure you help out as much as possible. Don't forget to tell her she is beautiful and after the birth, give her as much help as you can, she will be exhausted, sore, and be healing up. The 1st 2 weeks after the birth, she isn't supposed to do anything very demanding. So, be there for her whenever she needs you!
give her a couple more weeks to jump into the 2nd trimester. This is usually the time that women start to feel better. Just be there for her.
Even though you may feel like she's not into you like she used to be, trust me it's just the out of wacky hormones talking. For the first couple of months its normally like that. Then around month 4 she start to feel like herself again, UNTIL the baby is born then her hormones will go crazy again. I think its so funny looking back, but when I was pregnant I woke from a dead sleep and started crying so loud I woke up my hubby and he asked me what was wrong and the best answer I could give was I Don't Know....lol and I'm the type of person that doesn't cry in front of anyone. It's really crazy what hormones can do. The best thing you can do is just be understanding, and try to explain to her in a nice way that she's not being nice. Because believe it or not sometimes she may not even realize she's being mean. From the looks of it you're already a caring and understanding guy for even taking the time to find out what to do.