I made a datagrid and use the property builder to code the datagrid and I created the connection to the SQL Server with the SqlAdapter wizard. I have an employee database with fname, lname, minit, and initials that fill the datagrid. the Initial collumn is a hyperlink. How do I pass the initial from the datagrid page to a more detailed page, and how do I capture that initial to create a query with it. thankyou for your time.first Open the HTML version of the ASPX file .<BR>find the column for initials changed to tag structure to reflect this <BR><asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="Initials" runat="server" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="MoreInfo.aspx?ID={0}<BR>DataTextField="lName" DataTextFormatString='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"minit")%>'/><BR>How come id = {0} and this is what I have:<BR><BR><asp:HyperLinkColumn Target="_parent" DataNavigateUrlField="Initial" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="SelectedAdminMenu.aspx?varType=Initial" DataTextField="Initial" SortExpression="Initial" HeaderText="Initial"></asp:HyperLinkColumn>OK sorry about confusion caused , i was interrupted and hurried my post...<BR>{nValue} stand as placeholder and can be used to point out a field, could be 0 to ColumnCount-1.<BR> so if DataNavigateUrlField=Unique identifier of the row(ItemID) , <BR>the DataNavigateUrlFormatString will replace its {0}(might be (0)in vb {0} is in C#) placeholder by the content of the field pointed by DataNavigateUrlField. <BR>as result when a user click the cell of an itemId =4 then <BR>DataNavigateUrlFormatString ="MoreInfo.aspx?Id={0}" will equal <BR>DataNavigateUrlFormatString ="MoreInfo.aspx?Id=4"<BR><BR>the same way DataTextFormatString="More Info on {0}" will take the value of the field pointed by DataTextField <BR>.