Hyperlink Questions


Staff member
Ok, just yesterday, i was fooling around with the hyperlinks in frontpage. Can u please tell me what each of these do?<br />
<br />
Target frame:<br />
<br />
-Page default (i think this has no effect)<br />
-Same frame<br />
-Whole page<br />
-New window (i think when the link is pressed, a new window opens with the link)<br />
-Parent Frame<br />
<br />
<br />
Thanx guys<!--content-->Originally posted by aommaster <br />
Ok, just yesterday, i was fooling around with the hyperlinks in frontpage. Can u please tell me what each of these do?<br />
<br />
Target frame:<br />
-Page default (i think this has no effect)<br />
-Same frame<br />
-Whole page<br />
-New window (i think when the link is pressed, a new window opens with the link)<br />
-Parent Frame<br />
<br />
Same page: Nothing<br />
New Window: target="_blank"<br />
Parent Fram: target="_parent"<!--content-->There are also meant to be used with frames, and will spit out errors with a strict DOCTYPE. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-frame-target">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.h ... ame-target</a><!-- m --><!--content-->oh ok. Thanx alot Pyro :)<!--content-->is there anything that can be done to eliminate the errors that a strict DOCTYPE will generate from those attributes?<br />
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I've had problems with TARGET and BORDER, as well as ALIGN, though the latter two I assume can be cleaned up with some CSS, right?<!--content-->Yes, the last two can indeed be avoided by using CSS. The first one can be avoided by using JavaScript to open the new window.<!--content-->hmmm, easier said than done, I think... well, probably not, but its killing me!<br />
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the spot it was getting me is in the footer of all my pages at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.haveyoumettony.com">http://www.haveyoumettony.com</a><!-- m --> I want the image to the left, with the text up against it (like it is now, actually). That is looking good with the BORDER=0 ALIGN=left attributes in the HTML, but it won't validate like that. So, I went into the CSS and tried a #footer a {border-width: 0px; align: left; } and did the same thing adding a #footer img with the same attributes. It doesn't look like it does anything, though. Comes out with the same ugly blue border on the image (my CSS validation), and the text is closer and wrapped around the image. should I be handling the CSS differently (I know its the wrong forum, but the talk got started here, right? *smile*)<br />
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Should I possibly use a (div class=footerimage) or something?<br />
<br />
And I'm not EVEN starting into the javascript for that yet. Though curiously enough, the validator LIKES target="new", just not target="_blank". Hmm...<!--content-->You need to float the elements. align is not a valid CSS property. Something like this (though you'll want to move the styles to your external stylesheet):<br />
<br />
<div id="footer"><br />
<p style="float: left;"><a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/"><img src="images/validcss.jpg" alt="Valid CSS!" style="border: 0;"></a></p><br />
<p style="float: left;">© 2003-2004 Tony G. -- All content on this site is from my head unless otherwise noted.<br />
Credit, kudos, props and thank yous to the people I've "borrowed" <br />
templates, code, etc. from to make this site look like it does <br />
are listed to the best of my memory <a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"credits.shtml">here</a>.</p><br />
<div style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</div><br />
</div><!--content-->ah, thanks!<br />
<br />
I think I really need to learn more about floating. I thought it would have to be something to do with that, but wasn't sure about it inside an individual "cell".<!--content-->You may want to read this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/">http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->yep. been there! (I thought you read all the way through my site!??! :D ) it helped me get that site together, I guess I just didn't think of using floats inside individual segments of the page. <br />
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incidentally, once that problem cleared up, I got about 4 more BORDER errors. I fixed it the same way as the one in my footer, but it still comes back at me with: "an attribute value literal can occur in an attribute specification list only after a VI delimiter "<br />
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I'm studying it now, but any clue what that is? it seems to only come in snippets of code that I copy and pasted from whatever service I was using the button for.<!--content-->Post the source code that was giving you trouble, if you would.<!--content-->certainly!<br />
<br />
here's the whole segment, though it was showing the error at the quotes before "border:0;"<br />
<br />
41: <!-- Begin Online Status Indicator code --><br />
42: <!-- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.onlinestatus.org/">http://www.onlinestatus.org/</a><!-- m --> --><br />
43: <A HREF=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"aim:goim?screenname=BG1996"><br />
44: <IMG SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"../images/aim.jpg" ALT="AIM Online Status Indicator" style "border:0;"></A><br />
<br />
<br />
I've Googled for VI delimiter, but nothing answering what its all about. YET! *grin*<!--content-->You forgot the = sign after the style. ;)<!--content-->Shamelessly plagerized from a newsgroup posting:<br />
<br />
In SGML, VI is the abstract symbol for "value indicator," the token<br />
that connects the attribute name to the attribute value. In the case<br />
of HTML and XML, VI is "=", the equals sign.<!--content-->I swore I double checked that... maybe I did in one, but the errors came out in the others. Hmmm.... <br />
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and of course, that did it!<br />
<br />
now to work on that Javascript. Should all javascript be external to be valid? it seems like almost all of my js has come up as an error, either with something internal or by saying LANGUAGE isn't an attribute.<!--content-->language isn't a valid attribute. ;) It was depreciated in favor of the type attribute. As far as inline vs. external, external would probably be better, as it will save bandwidth and keep it easy to edit, but you should be able to validate it fine.<!--content-->hell, if BORDER isnt an attribute, why should LANGUAGE be?? *laugh*<br />
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I take back all the good things I said about the word "deprecated" being a cool word. :) <br />
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Of course, by the time I get all of this sorted out, we'll be on HTML 6.01, and I'll be waist deep in my XHTML errors by then anyway. Oh well, it all looks good! *grin*<!--content-->Originally posted by GOBLUE <br />
Of course, by the time I get all of this sorted out, we'll be on HTML 6.01...Or maybe not, as XHTML is the future, and HTML 4.01 is the last version of HTML. ;)<!--content-->yeah, you're right there. but I think the powers that be may come up with a few new versions just to mess with me!<br />
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thanks again for all your help, I'm sure I'll be back around!<!--content-->hehe... Sure thing, it was no problem. :)<!--content-->oh, btw, just to feel accomplished, I trashed all the TARGET=_blank stuff, gave in to the power of opening in the same window, and I'm valid in 4.01! WOO HOO! *laugh*<br />
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the javascript waits for another day.<!--content-->Good idea, dropping the target attribut and new window.<!--content-->