HVMenu and Show/Hide Layers


Staff member
I'm working with HV Menu [Ger Versluis' 2000 version 5.411 24 December 2001 - updated Jan 31st, 2003 by Dynamic Drive for Opera7] and want to have an image outside the menu change on menu mouseover.

So far I've tried creating a layer (layerA) on the original html page then inserting javascript in the original html page that triggers a shows-hide behavior for the layer (layerB) I want changed. Unfortunately, the expanded menu lies over layerA, so the behavior for LayerB doesn't trigger.

See <http://www.io.com/~lolawson/kaizen/sublevel_template_satellites.html>. If you move your mouse just to the right of the open menu for "About Us" you'll see a blue circle appear just under the word Newsletter on the upper right. What I want is for that circle to appear when you mouseover the actual menu.

I've seen an example of incorporating additional JS into the menu system as follows:

Menu1=new Array("news","javascript:NewWin=window.open('http://www.cnn.com','NWin');window['NewWin'].focus()",.....

but I'm not having much luck with incorporating the following show/hide layer commands:


Thanks in advance for any guidance.
