Huge problem with needed


Guys,<br />
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Please visit <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . The problem is when i load the page i get the horizontal scroll bar, but when i refresh the page the scrollbar disappears. I dont want the scrollbar to appear in the first place. Can anyone help me please??<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Jeswin<!--content-->Well all the images are broken, so I can't be exactly sure, but I think it is the background image in the <BODY> tag that is causing the problem:<br />
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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/bgline.jpg"><br />
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If you remove the background image (Higlighted in bold) then that might fix your problem.<br />
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But this is only a guess, as all your images are broken which makes it hard to work out what's wrong. :)<!--content-->I'm viewing in 800x600 and I don't get a horizontal scrollbar at all.<br />
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When I view your page all I get is some text and a whole load of broken images so it's kind of hard to see what's going on but the layout looks quite messy with all those nested tables.<br />
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You have set the width of some of your tables in pixels and some in percentages. Try setting them all in percentages and see if that solves the problem.<br />
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If you can get the images working then maybe I can get more idea of what you're trying to achieve. Maybe there is a less messy way of doing it that will solve your scrollbar problem in the process.<!--content-->No scrollbar for me as well. All the images are not there and it's impossible to see what's wrong.<!--content-->You're home free in 800by600, 1024by768, and 1280by1024. Just not in 640by480 where even refreshing doesn't help.<!--content-->