Huge newb question, input output


Alright, first post here. Great forums btw. If i'm posting this in the wrong place im sorry. I'm sort of just getting into html and I had a question on how to do something. Ok here it is.<br />
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I Want two text boxes, one above, one below. And a command button. When the button is pushed I want the Letters in the top textbox (Its Alpha only) to be kind of coded in the bottom textbox, I want it one to the right of each letter you push on the keyboard. Please not this is letters only, for example. A = S, S = D, P = [, And so on, and I understand there is no "Next letter to the right" command heh, It will probably have to be done letter by letter, thank god there is only 26 :)<br />
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So just give me an example with 2 or 3 letters and I'll do the rest, I hope this wasn't too confusing.<!--content-->I found a better way of putting it if you dont understand what I'm asking.<br />
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If I put this in the top textbox: "asdf"<br />
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Push button<br />
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I want it to say this in the bottom textbox: "sdfg"<!--content-->this requires a PHP script, and im sure one of the mods will gladly move it in there.<br />
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i think it will use the explode() function, but i'm not sure.<!--content-->Ack im sorry about that, ill go ahead and post over there, and then delete this.<!--content-->not a good idea, you cant delete posts!<!--content-->OMG, I already posted over, im probably going to get flamed like hell now :(<br />
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I'm sorry everyone!<!--content-->nah, its ok, you didnt know. we dont flame around these parts.<!--content-->sounds like it could be done server side with a script like PHP or client side with javascript, so decide which route you want to take, PHP or javascript. It can't be done with just regular HTML code though.<!--content-->