Huge drops in the SERPS


New Member
Is anyone experiencing huge drops???Our company site went from #2 to #50 !!I hope this settles and is not permanent.... otherwise business is going to be hurting!!! Probably updates are taking place and therefor hopefully a temporarily drop in the serps.i monitor about 50 key words in a every other day basis and this morning all my keywords accept 4 of them dropped from the top 10 down to the top 40... and i have not changed anything significant and the search results im use to seeing look completely messed up. this truely sucks. any ideas what they did?I had a greatest fall from top to 200, Most of my keywords its going down.Ok i do understand that there is some updates taking place. But why this is not happening in my competitive websites?? Only 3 major competitors facing this problem. Myself and other 2.My PR prediction earlier said PR2 to PR3but now it says PR2 to Unknown Iam targeting PR5, will i be able to??