Which pages are good from search engine point of view and why? Please help. Why do you think it makes a difference? It will not make any difference. If every pages is https then it will show as usual. Generally webmaster uses https for secure login.. there is not difference at all in search engine point of view. Quote: Originally Posted by kalpanassmg
there is not difference at all in search engine point of view. That's what you think but I have found that https pages are given more preferences by the google, one of my site having more https pages was ranked soon than compared to http. No, it does not make difference with Search Engines if your site has http or https. The main difference between the two is just about security. If you install SSL certificate to your website or any particular webpage then, it will show https. The main benefit of installing SSL certificate is the transaction which your perform on web will be interacted with internet in a secured code. So there will be very less chances of hacking.