New Member
I'm trying to put a video on my website. It plays in the explorer on my desktop but when i put it online it doesn't play (but it does on my mobile), it just shows a black screen with an 'x' in the middle. I'm not using Apache or Wordpress, just HTML and notepad with fasthosts as my provider.From the reading I've been doing online it may be something to do with the MIME type. I've tried eveything but can't figure it out.Here's the code so far...\[code\]<video width="360" height "203" controls="controls"> <source src=" Video 2.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src=" Video 2.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src=" Video 2.webm" type="video/webm"></video> \[/code\]and the sole contents of the .htaccess file i have is...\[code\]AddType video/ogg .oggAddType video/webm .webmAddType video/mp4 .mp4\[/code\]Any help that could be provided would be brilliant.Thanks in advance,Paul