HTML Troubleshooting


Hi all,<br />
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Wondering if anyone could tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong with this page. <br />
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Designed in Dreamweaver on a Mac, everything looks fine in various Mac browsers, but on some Windows browsers the table falls apart, i.e. where the center graphic is placed, the main graphic frame extends a few pixels on top and bottom.<br />
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Any ideas most welcome.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->looks good to me in mozilla on a PC. a little wide but that just shows you did it in 1024 resolution.<!--content-->Thanks for taking a look scoutt. <br />
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It's when it's viewed in Windows Millenium running IE that it's distorted. Maybe it's just that one combination, but it makes me feel kind of uneasy...<!--content-->IE 6 on W2K does cause problems.<br />
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I think it might be the <div> tags inside the <td><br />
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Try without - using the <td> attributes/styles to position the contents instead.<!--content-->does the problem you see the same as this screenshot<br />
ie windows Me IE5.5<!--content-->Horus_Kol,<br />
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Thanks for your insight. I'll give that a try and see what happens. Trouble is, is that I only have a Mac, so testing it on a PC isn't possible. It's only after I have access to one that I see the problem has yet to be resolved - frustrating!!! I guess I just need to buy a cheap PC for testing purposes. <br />
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You guys are great. Thanks :)<!--content-->leoo24,<br />
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That's the problem indeed. Kind of scared me to see the attachment. I'm starting to have dreams of that very scene. I'll keep plugging away though.<!--content-->now I see it. I had to use an inferior browser. ;)<br />
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your problem is that you have a break in one of your tables.<br />
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all table code (at least the cell) has to be on one line. you cannot have it like this<br />
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<td>text<br />
</td><br />
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that will create a line break. you have to have it on one line<br />
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<td>text</td><br />
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check your code and you will find one of your cells is like this.<!--content-->You do have 13 errors though...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m --><br />
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They are minor ones like missing alt="" tags on images.<!--content-->Well, I first tried changing the <td> and </td> formatting. I haven't had access to a Windows machine yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I figure I should try one change at a time, and then test.<br />
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I'll let you know how things work out.<br />
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Thanks so much for all your help!<!--content-->Originally posted by billandsam <br />
I haven't had access to a Windows machine yet, <br />
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it's still there sorry to say.<br />
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right the following code no longer has such a bad problem but still has a little gap down the right side, i've run out of time at the mo, see if someone else can spot it, if mot i'll come back to it when i can, i'll also attach how it looks<br />
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<body background="Ariel's%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/background.gif"><br />
<table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="40" border="0" ><br />
<tbody><tr><br />
<td align="center"> <br />
<table width="803" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="mainTable"><br />
<tr> <br />
<td width="261" rowspan="3" align="right"><img src="Ariel%27s%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/table1.gif" width="261" height="520" border="0" usemap="#Map" href=""></td><br />
<td colspan="2"><img src="Ariel%27s%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/table2.gif" width="423" height="56"></td><br />
<td width="118" rowspan="3"><img src="Ariel%27s%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/table4.gif" width="118" height="520"></td></tr><br />
<tr><td width="418" height="408"><img src="Ariel%27s%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/text_home.gif" width="423" height="408"></td></tr><br />
<tr><td colspan="2" ><img src="Ariel%27s%20Balloons%20&%20Flowers%20-%20Home_files/table3.gif" width="423" height="56"></td></tr></table><br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</tbody></table><br />
<map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="51,148,116,202" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="53,231,117,283" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="51,313,113,369" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="130,149,190,201" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="130,232,195,285" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="132,316,193,371" href=""><area shape="rect" coords="128,396,197,453" href=""></map><br />
<!-- InstanceEnd --></body></html><!--content-->have you updated the page at the URL?<br />
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if so, then nothing has improved.<!--content-->Looked at the gif posted by leoo24 - thanks. I guess it's not all bad news, as the top and bottom are now flush.<br />
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I'll now work with the <div> tags inside the <td> as per Horus_Kol's suggestion.<br />
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I think what I really need is a cheap PC for testing.<!--content-->