HTML SSI Include


New Member
I have 5 versions of the same html page. All the contents in the page is the same except for one hidden variable. I use the hidden variable for tracking something important.I am trying to see if I can rewrite this by including a html with hidden variable. Here is my wrapper.shtml file\[code\]<html><body> this is the superb page <!--#include file="someHiddenVariable.html" --> <iframe frameborder="0" height="400" scrolling="no" src="" width="280"></iframe></body></html>\[/code\]someHiddenVariable.html just has\[code\] <input type="hidden" value=" very important" />\[/code\]INeedToReadTheHiddenVariableInThisPage.html contains a form and several textboxes. I have a javascript in INeedToReadTheHiddenVariableInThisPage.html file (included as iframe) and it submits the form.I need access to the hidden variable in Javascript in INeedToReadTheHiddenVariableInThisPage.htmlHow can I structure my files. How can I access the hidden variable.I use apache http server.