html shopping cart help!


I have created a site using dreamweaver and I have begun to create my product pages! I am using perl and a cgi bin to email each order to a designated email adress! I would rather create a shopping cart with lots of flexability and use the pages I have already created. I do not want to use a wizard to create a elementary shopping cart that doesn't look like the rest of the pages I have created! I need help to figure out what type of program would be the best to use? I would really appreciate any advice anyone can give me!<br />
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Thank you in advance,<br />
Chad<!--content-->Hi there Chads, welcome to the forums.<br />
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Answering your question, try looking through these Perl Shopping Carts (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index.html</a><!-- m -->). Hope this help.<!--content-->If the product line is small, a couple of thousand items maybe, Perl and a flat file database will be fine. If your product line gets into the thousands of items with more than just a price index, like stock/inventory system, descriptions, searchable database, then you need to use a better database, some type of SQL database, MYsql being an obvious choice.<br />
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Lots of webhosts offer the MIVA shopping cart (its OK) and some sort of payment system hooked in, paypal being a well known online payment service providor. (Ebay owns paypal I believe). <br />
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Any shopping cart worth a darn will be on a secure website or secure webpages, you will need a security certificate for that, Thwate or other.<!--content-->