HTML Report Layout Help


I am currently designing reports using HTML. The content of the report will come from a database table and I want to use HTML to format the informaiton. <br />
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The problem that I am having is when printing out the report it seems to be cutting off information between pages, such as cutting off some of the table border information making the report look unprofessional. Is there any way of preventing this from happening or is there a way of working out when an end of page is about to happen so that a gap can be left between pages?<br />
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Thanks for your help<!--content-->Well we would have to see the code to know that.. A link is good too. The link is for visualizing the problem. What languages are you using, what database? Or is this simply an HTML issue? Hard to tell from the info.. If it's just an HTML issue, I guess the generated HTML code would do fine. Cheers.<br />
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Sorry I appear to have misunderstood the question. When you said "printing" I just associated it with server side languages such as PHP and the function print and so on. Listen to scoutt instead ;)<!--content-->is the rigth side being cut off on the printed report? and no you can't tell whne th end of page is coming, it jsut sends everything to the printer, but you could split up the page with div's and css.<br />
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if you know exactly where the page is ending at and you want to cut it off there then you can use this<br />
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<style><br />
.newPage { page-break-before: always }<br />
</style><br />
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<div class="newPage"> <img src="..."> </div><br />
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so it will always make a new page before printing that image.<br />
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maybe you can use this to make page breaks for your report<!--content-->