I am working on a Native mobile application CMS system using client-side technology(javascript via JQuery for the most part) and have implmented a templating system similar to that of ASP.NET. So suppose I have a navigation control which has a starttemplate, endtemplate and itemtemplate as follows:\[code\]<div data-type="navigation" id="navigationControlDemo"> <div data-type="starttemplate"> <ul id="Menu"> </div> <div data-type="itemtemplate"> <li><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13699196/[[Link]]">[[Text]]</a></li> </div> <div data-type="endtemplate" > </ul> </div> </div>\[/code\]My problem is the browser as it laods seems to decide to want to fix the html so that the tags are closed "properly" as follows:\[code\] <div data-type="navigation" id="navigationControlDemo"> <div data-type="starttemplate"> <ul id="Menu"> </ul> </div> <div data-type="itemtemplate"> <li><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13699196/[[Link]]">[[Text]]</a></li> </div> <div data-type="endtemplate" > </div> </div>\[/code\]I've tried some workaround and quick hacks to no avail..I have tried replacing the "<" ">" with certain characters and then replacing them after load but the problem still occurs.