HTML Redirection with Frames


Not sure where to of posted this as im new to these forums but interested if anyone could help me.<br />
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I am trying to redirect to another page BUT want to redirect from a frame within a page to the parent frame, so that it DOESNT redirect within the same frame.<br />
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Thanks for any help.<!--content-->There's no real good way to do this.<br />
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When I run into this I just go back to good ol' html and build a dummy form that would look like this:<br />
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<body onload="document.dummy.submit();"><br />
<%asp code%><br />
<form name=dummy action=newPage.asp target=_parent><br />
</form><br />
</body><br />
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I'm 99.9999999% sure that Redirect will not be able to perform this because it only accepts one parameter and that's the url.<!--content-->Whats the ASP code for? I cant use ASP here =/.<!--content-->oh sorry. Redirect is an ASP command, so when you said html redirection that's what I thought of.<br />
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The code I put out there will still work, just omit the asp part.<br />
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you could also do it like this:<br />
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<a href= target=_parent>New page</a><!--content-->Need it to redirect automatically, will the first thing work fine without the ASP part?<!--content-->