HTML Radiobutton form not POSTing


New Member
I have written a small HTML form and added it to the page. My goal is for it to POST the value of the Checked button to a PHP page which I have also written. The PHP page is not getting the value for some reason. I am also not getting any PHP errors. The codes are below.form.php\[code\]<form action="" method="POST"><font color="white" size="3"><?php$con = mysql_connect("HOST", "USER", "PASS");if(!$con) { die('Unable to connect to MySQL: '.mysql_error());}mysql_select_db("zach_insaneB", $con);$result = mysql_query("SELECT Name FROM quiz"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $qname = $row['Name']; echo "<input type='radio' name='button1' id='$qname'>"; echo "<label for='$qname'><font color='white'/>$qname</font></label>";}?></font></div></div><div id="Oobj12"><div id="Gcode234" class="dfltc"><input type="image" src="" alt="Begin" /></form></div></div>\[/code\]getdata.php\[code\]<?php$data =$_POST['button1'];echo $data;?>\[/code\]