HTML Radio Option Help


I know very little HTML and what I know I've taught myself or with aid from internet resources. I want to do a quiz-like thing accessable via the internet. This would be insanely easy to code in Visual Basic, but HTML and VB sadly aren't the same :P I can make radio option boxes:<br />
<br />
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Q1" VALUE="ChoiceA"> Choice A<BR><br />
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Q1" VALUE="ChoiceB"> Choice B<BR><br />
<br />
However, what then? I am at a complete loss as to how to assign a value to the options and than use that to calculate something. So lets say I was doing a simple math quiz. The question is what is 2+2? If you choose the correct answer, upon submitting the page, it should be able to tell that you selected the correct answer and give you a score (in this case 100%). Please if you can I'd really like some insight into this. Thank you for humoring the question of an HTML illiterate person, it's appreciated.<!--content-->You must use some type of scripting language for that purpose. There are already a zillion quiz scripts ready for Download <!--more--> at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> you can look at them and start learning a server side language, PHP being very popular these days.<!--content-->