HTML question- how do you vertically align checkboxes?


New Member
I would like to have 2 columns of checkboxes. The first column is aligned automatically. However, I am not sure how to align the second column. I tried using &-n-b-s-p-; (i had to insert the dashes or else it showed up as a space in this question) but have been unsuccessful. HTML or CSS hints would be appreciated.<br />
The quick and easy way is using tables.<table><tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="c1" /></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="c2" /></td></tr></table>

That will produce 2 columns of checkboxes. This will put them directly next to each other. Add a width to the TABLE tag to set them apart.

You can do the same with CSS.

In the HEAD

#container {width 250px;}
.holder {float left; width 125px;}</style>

In the FORM

<div id = "container"><div class = "holder"><input type="checkbox" name="c1" /></div><div class = "holder"><input type="checkbox" name="c2" /></div></div>

Just keep adding more holder DIVs and they'll line up in two columns.