HTML programming ebook resources


Hello,<br />
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I'm a CS student and want to teach myself the HTML programming language. But I don't want to waste money on a deadbeat textbook. If you could help me out with suggestions (preferably free legal online Download <!--more-->s) I would be most grateful.<br />
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Cheers!<!--content--> has a lot of material for you.<br />
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Especially<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->when I was about 8 or 9 i read a HTML book. Ever since I've been programming. Please don't ask my age. I've been collecting Javascript and other stuff and building up!!<!--content-->Thank-you Stefan.<br />
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That was precisely what I was looking for. Take Care!<!--content-->As well as the W3C documents, a useful resource is the W3Schools site, which has tutorials on a range of web design languages:<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Originally posted by esher2292 <br />
when I was about 8 or 9 i read a HTML book. Ever since I've been programming. Please don't ask my age. I've been collecting Javascript and other stuff and building up!! <br />
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Really you were 8 or 9? I was 11 when I first learned HTML.<br />
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cilo, I don't think that HTML is techniqely a "programming language".<!--content-->To Zach Elfers<br />
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Point Taken :: How silly of me...<br />
"MarkUp Language" , <br />
Not "Programming Language"<!--content-->yes, when I was 8 or 9!!!!<!--content-->