HTML Problem

I have a problem with a background image in a table definition. When you click on the link you can see that the "Menu" image is duplicated. How do I code this so it only shows up once? <br />
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Any help will be greatly appreciated.<!--content-->First of all, what is the URL that is having trouble?<br />
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Second, what browser and version are you using? Older versions of Netscape have a background image inheritance bug that causes the BGIMAGE to repeat itself in each table cell (IIRC). A quick fix around this is to specify a transparent 1x1 pix "shim" image as the background image for each cell in the table. This will allow the base background image to bleed through the table without repeating it in each cell.<br />
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Then again if you're not using Netscape 4.x, it could be something else entirely. We need to see some code before figuring that out though.<!--content-->