HTML probem


Staff member
Hi all,<br />
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I have a problem that I occurs only now and then.<br />
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The background: <br />
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I use Dreamweaver to write my code.<br />
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The site concerned is small 15 or so pages. The site is framed with a TOP FRAME, LEFT FRAME and a RIGHT FRAME.<br />
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I have a page that contains a form for completion by clients.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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The form works fine aprt from, when it is displayed in the RIGHT FRAME is has o HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR.<br />
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If I rewrite the page from scratch it's OK with no HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR.<br />
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The site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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If you have a loo at the site and click on CLIENTS you will see my problem.<br />
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I do understand that if the browser in not run as a full window this can happen but if it is run in a full window I can not see why the HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR should be there.<br />
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Other pages on the site are OK. I do have a problem with a form on the home page which can be accessed from the On-line e-mial icon.<br />
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Can anyone see what is wrong with the page. I would like to try and solve this ASAP.<br />
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Regards and thanks in advance for any help you can give<!--content-->Are you referring to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ?<br />
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That page alone needs a browser window that's about 600-650 pixels wide. Add to that the left frame. You'll get a scrollbar even in a maxed window @ 800*600 and below resolution.<br />
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Don't make the form elements that big and try to make everything a tad bit more flexible and it will work better. Fixed sizes hurt you. ;-)<!--content-->Hi Memo<br />
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I have curred the HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR on the page concern. I have rewitten the page bit by bit testing as I went along.<br />
I found that once I added the META TAG info for some reason it produced the BAR.<br />
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When you said don't make the elements of the form so big, what did you mean, can you explain please. Any help would be good<br />
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Regards<br />
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