html pages with names longer than 8 characters


I found the following on a web page at:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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"Directory/folder names for the web server are limited to 8 alphanumeric characters<br />
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Filenames can be longer than 8 characters if desired"<br />
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Is the above correct? What about something like this for a directory: my_own_page Is this acceptable? Or what about this for a filename: my_other_page.htm Is this acceptable?<br />
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Just curious because I have recently seen a lot of this and wondered if something had changed in the allowable directory names and filenames. I always thought we were limited to 8 characters + .htm or .html Can anyone clarify this for me.<!--content-->it depends on the server.<br />
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my (home) provider won't allow me to use capitals in the filename - can be annoying as sometime the file extension is .HTML for some reason, and it isn't easy to change the extension in XP.<br />
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in the office, i have my own little server for an intranet site, so it is my rules.<!--content-->I would suggest saving files like this: <br />
- if u use notepad for example (or any other windoze application)<br />
- when u click on save as....<br />
- the text box for the filename<br />
- type this<br />
- "my_index_page.htm" or "my_big_file.txt" or "my_big_file.html" <br />
- What I mean to say is...use quotes " " around the filename and whatever it says in the Save as type dropdown will be bypassed. i.e. ignored.<br />
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As for 8 characters for filenames.... I am not 100% knowledge on this, but would like someone else to write in to verify.<br />
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What I have experienced is this:<br />
- Never has a web page not shown up in a browser because of the filename length. and I use big ones sometimes... as far as I was aware...I had 256 characters to play with.<br />
- Unless you are catering to anyone using Windows 3.1 <br />
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At least thas what I heard...I'm searching now, if I find out I'll post it. But my friend told me 8 characters was if I was worried about someone running a Windows3.1 machine....which of course I am not! Did they have browsers on 3.1? lol <br />
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dolpho<!--content-->Horus_Kol, I would strongly recommend naming your files explicitly in all lowercase anyways. (I know ur application might do it by default, but change it after in Windows Explorer with the rename option)<br />
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Also.... all of your html tags, should be in all lowercase.<br />
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dolpho<br />
PS. yes my nick is lowercase too....and some say I'm not sensitive!! I am too damnit!! Case that is..<!--content-->i do name all of my files in lowercase and no spaces either - but the extension can be a problem because I can't find a way to change it in WinXP.<!--content-->html tags can be in uppercase or mixed case as you want. there are no restrictions, e.g.<br />
<br />
<table><br />
<br />
<TABLE><br />
<br />
or<br />
<br />
<Table><br />
<br />
aRe AlL AcCepTiBle .. No Problem<!--content-->Sorry KD if my post implied that they must be lowercase. I did not mean to convey that sort of message. But what I did mean to say is, your BesT BeT is to use lowercase. <br />
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i.e. unless your CAPS LOCK button is broke, your code would be better off in lowercase. but yeah ur right, it will work either way.<!--content-->In HTML 4.01 the tags can be UPPER or Lower or MiXeD case, but it is recommended to use lower case for tags, as if and when you change your pages to be XHTML compliant the tags must be in lower case. So, for now it is optional, but using lower case now will save you some work later on.<br />
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Web page filenames and directory names have not previously had an eight character name limit imposed by the server, as most servers have used some form of Unix/Linux for many years. Linux has a far bigger limit (32 characters or more?).<br />
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This 8 character limitation mainly comes from older DOS and Windows 3.11 machines, which could only do 8.3 filenames. Most users haven't realised that after uploading the file from their old machine to the website, by FTP, that they can then also rename, by FTP, the file that they have just installed on the web site.<br />
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I have been caught out when uploading files from a Windows 3.11 machine, that the filenames were chopped at 8.3 format, and were all in UPPER case. However, it was an easy job to rename the file in-situ.<br />
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Quid Quid Latine dictum sit, altum sonator<!--content-->ok now here is my .02 cents.<br />
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file names can be any length up to 255 characters.<br />
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capitols in the code is not good, sure they work, but the Xhtml standard says not to do it.<br />
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in XP you have to set the extentions visible under folder options and tehn you can change them.<br />
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writing in uppercase is not a very good idea because it lets you learn that it is ok and style sheets with NS6+ are case-sensitive so it will cause problems.<!--content-->Thank you every one I have again learned a few things.<br />
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Scoutt, have you checked your Private Messages?<!--content-->yes an dI will get back to you in a few. :)<!--content-->