HTML on top of a picture.


Staff member
Well i have a background layout which is a jpeg that i have below. I was wondering how can i put html on top of that picture. I want to put a table or just plain text on top of that picture.... please help if u actually understand what i am trying to find out =P THX<!--content-->Hi TAkumi,<br />
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Are you talking about simply using the image as a background for the entire page? If so, all you need to use is the background attribute in your body tag:<br />
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<body background="image.jpg"><br />
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Let me know if this is what you mean, or if you are trying to do something else. Also, this background will not fill the page entirely, and it will tile unless you increase the canvas size (even if you just add a bunch of white space to the side).<!--content-->please don't cross-post. his question was already answered here jason<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=10505</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Then let the thrread be closed :P !<!--content-->