Html not showing on iPhone after ajax call


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I am developing a website that needs to be viewed on all is the website have two buttons on this guestlist and info. They both use twitter bootstraps .collapse() functionality to hide and show.When guestlist is clicked, hides the info section, then it shows a an HTML form using .collapse().When info is clicked it uses an ajax request to get club information HTML for the club info section, hide the guestlist section, and then show the info section.The problem I am having is when you try and use the website on an iPhone things go wrong:when guestlist is clicked it shows the form fine. Then if a user clicks info, it loads the club information HTML fine ( I checked using safari's developer tools and the HTML is being loaded fine ) but it is not being displayed on the screen and I am unsure why.Please note that it works fine on all web browsers on the computer, iPad and a google nexus. It is only on the iPhone that I am having this issue.Here is my custom.js file for loading the club information section:\[code\]$(document).ready(function(){// when a day is clicked $('').click(function(){ // hide all day-table divs // $('').hide(); $('').removeClass('highlight-day-tab'); // highlight clicked tab $(this).addClass('highlight-day-tab'); $(this).tab('show'); // get the day var day = $(this).attr('id'); // show the table of the day clicked // $('div#'+day+'-table').show(); }); $('.clubnight-info-link').click(function(){ var clubnightId = $(this).data('clubnight-id'); loadClubnightInfo(clubnightId) }); $('.guestlist-link').click(function(){ var club = $(this).data('club-name'); var day = $(this).data('day'); loadGuestListForm(club, day); }); var weekday=new Array(7); weekday[0]="sunday"; weekday[1]="monday"; weekday[2]="tuesday"; weekday[3]="wednesday"; weekday[4]="thursday"; weekday[5]="friday"; weekday[6]="saturday"; weekday[0]="sunday"; var date = new Date(); dayIndex = date.getDay(); $('a#'+weekday[dayIndex]).tab('show'); $('#'+weekday[dayIndex]).addClass('highlight-day-tab'); $('#submit-contact-form').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.ajax( { url: $('#ContactForm').attr('action'), data: $('#ContactForm').serialize(), dataType: 'json', type: "POST", success: function(json){ console.log($('terms_and_conditions').val()); removeErrorMessages(); console.log(json); if (json.messages) { //alert a failure message console.log(json.messages); for (var message in json.messages) { console.log(message); $('#main-error-msg').text('Highlighted fields are incorrect'); if (json.messages[message] !== '') { $('label#'+message).css('color', 'red'); $("#ctrl-grp-"+message).addClass('error'); } } $('#form-msg').show(); } else { //alert a success message $('#success-msg').text(json.msg); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#contact-form").offset({ top: 40 }) }, 1000); $('#success-msg').show(); } }, }); })});function loadGuestListForm(club, day){ console.log('loadGuestListForm'); $('input#club').val(club); $('input#day').val(day); // Remove error messages and formvalues $('.input').val(''); $('input#terms_and_conditions').prop('checked', false); removeErrorMessages(); var clubnight = $('#clubnight-info'); if (clubnight.hasClass('in')) { clubnight.collapse('hide'); clubnight.html(''); } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#contact-form").offset({ top: 40 }) }, 1000); window.setTimeout(function(){ $('#contact-form').collapse('show'); }, 1000); console.log('show form');}function loadClubnightInfo(clubnightId){ console.log('loadClubnightInfo'); var contactForm = $('#contact-form'); if (contactForm.hasClass('in')) { contactForm.collapse('hide'); } window.setTimeout(function(){ $('#clubnight-info').collapse('show'); }, 1000); var clubnight = $('#clubnight-info'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: { id: clubnightId}, url: 'clubnight-info', success: function(data) { console.log('show clubnight info'); if (clubnight.hasClass('in')){ // console.log('in') clubnight.collapse('hide'); window.setTimeout(function(){ clubnight.html(data); console.log('show clubnight info in'); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#clubnight-info").offset().top}, 'slow'); window.setTimeout(function(){ clubnight.collapse('show'); }, 1000); }, 1000) } else { // console.log('not shown'); clubnight.html(data); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#clubnight-info").offset().top}, 'slow'); window.setTimeout(function(){ clubnight.collapse('show'); }, 1000); } } });}function removeErrorMessages(){ $('div.error-msg').text(''); $('#form-msg').hide(); $('label').css('color', 'black'); $('div.controls').removeClass( 'error' ); $('div.control-group').removeClass( 'error' );}\[/code\]