I am trying to send a simple HTML table via email (I use PHP). However my tables is going broked (I tried to see it in Yahoo mail, Roundcube and Outlook and the result is always the same).This is the code:\[code\] $msg = "";$msg.= "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='10' border='0'>";$msg.= "<tr>";$msg.= "<td style='border:1px solid black; width:50px'><strong>1</strong></td>";$msg.= "<td style='border:1px solid black; width:50px'><strong>2</strong></td>";$msg.= "<td style='border:1px solid black; width:100px'><strong>3</strong></td>";$msg.= "<td style='border:1px solid black; width:100px'><strong>4</strong></td>";$msg.= "<td style='border:1px solid black; width:100px'><strong>5</strong></td>";$msg.= "</tr></table>";$subject = "Subject"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html' . "\r\n";$headers .= 'From: MyDomain <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";mail("[email protected]",$subject,$msg,$headers );\[/code\]I see that the output mail in mail readers is without "width" attribute and some of them are adding a "tbody" that I have not inserted. Moreover some websites are breaking tds. How could I do in order to solve this issue?