html looks fine in IE 6 but not Netscape 6.2


OK guys I have some major code problems that are beyond my scope of html knowledge. I have this code and it seems to work just fine in IE 6 but when I open it in Netscape 6.2 the preformated text seems to be ignored and it just turns into one giant paragraph. Help Me!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
(I also attached the .txt file)<br />
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Hopefully you wizards will have much better luck than I. :)<!--content-->well, I don't see any HTML tags on the text. I mean, you have put things into a <p> but thats it. If you want line breaks, put in a <br> tag. If you want two... put in <br><br>. <br />
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Do you see what I am getting at? HTML is a formatting code that tells the browser how to display the code. If you don't enter intructions.... no formatting is applied.<!--content-->try moving your </pre> tag up right below "** Special thanks to ...."<!--content-->Thanks for the input, I didn't place <br> because I used <pre>. Since it's updated so often I didn't want to have to do that much code. Do you think that's the problem? Netscape is recognizing the preformatted text tag?<!--content-->OH YEAH! Almost forgot, I moved up the </pre> tag below the "***Special thanks to..." and still the same problem. More help!!! Thanks all! --Mike<!--content-->ok you need to go back and check your html. you have overlapping tags.<br />
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<i><strong><u><font face="charlemagne" size="9">The Fight Fans Boxing Schedule </font></i></strong></u><br />
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also you have an extra <b> tag that is making everything bold.<br />
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<b><br />
Last updated April 30th, 2002<br />
<p><font color="6600FF"><i><b><br />
</i></b></font><br />
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actually that whole things needs to be rewritten. I would go through the whole thing and check it over.<!--content-->