[HTML] how to display this special character?


Hi, i need a special character and I don't know how to display it with HTML. And I don't know the word for it in english, so here goes...<br />
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2 times 2<br />
2 x 2<br />
<br />
<br />
can also be noted as 2^2 (graphical calculators)<br />
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but it can also be noted with 2(a smaller, but higher 2)<br />
<br />
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get the idea? i call it 'kwadraat', but i can't seem to rememver the english word for it. Anyway.. HOW do I make that character with HTML to display it on browsers?<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Try this...<br />
<br />
2<sup>2</sup><!--content-->thanks, that one worked, allthough the font size is the same. i made a seprate class in my css to make that small higher 2 about 7px.<br />
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so.. what's the english phrase for that anyway?<!--content-->Originally posted by Strifer <br />
=<br />
so.. what's the english phrase for that anyway? <br />
Depends. (English, eh?) If you were to say it out loud you'd say "Two to the power of two". If you're asking how would write "Two to the power of two", you'd say "Two superscript two".<!--content-->Hi there Strifer,<br />
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If you want the power to be of smaller size<br />
try using character code instead<br />
<br />
2&#178; or 2&sup2; <br />
2&#179; or 2&sup3;<br />
<br />
which give... <br />
2² or 2&sup2; or 2³ or 2&sup3;<br />
according to your font size.<br />
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coothead<!--content-->Strifer, as far as I know, the raised number is called an "exponent". Most people I know read it as "two squared" or "two cubed" for the lower numbers and "to the power of" for the larger numbers. *g* Although there are a few math teachers I know who say "two exponent two".<br />
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Peg<!--content-->called 2 squared...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
square<br />
<br />
2 x<br />
-----<br />
|---|2<br />
|___|<!--content-->Or two to the fourth power<!--content-->@Android, we actually say that too.. in our own language that is. Didn't knew that was the case in english/american too... <br />
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we say<br />
<br />
"2 tot the macht 4"<br />
directly translated it means:<br />
"2 to the might 4"<br />
but instead of might (direct translations) power (in-direct translation) is better.<br />
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@coothead, thanks coothead, using "2&sup2;" now, gets me the best and smooth result.<br />
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@Pegasus... ah yes.. we 'use' that word too and I was looking for that word. Lol.. mostly teachers that use it indeed. But her eactually only when they point at 'the exponent'.. when reading they use 'to the power of'.<br />
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@gregory and hockyfan641, thanks.<!--content-->