HTML help...


Staff member
Hi,<br />
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I have a HTML page in which I want to display a text file. This text file is one of the field in my form and it should appear as a standard text file with the standard text file image. When the users clicks it it should open and also the users should be able to Copy and Paste this text file.<br />
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How can I have such a text file as a field in my HTML form. Please help.<br />
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Pramod<!--content-->You can just copy and paste all the info in the text file to your formfield...and vice-versa<!--content-->Mark,<br />
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i need to have a text file in my HTML form. <br />
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That is when I open this HTML there should be a couple of labels and text fields and then one label would be "<br />
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Output Text file : <--- text file with windows<br />
text file image should e here --> <br />
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Please help.<br />
pramod.<!--content-->you could try SSI (server side include):<br />
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heres a tutorial:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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make sure your server supports it, though.<!--content-->little lost as to what you want. do you want it so the text file is loaded into a form field like a textarea or do you want it so when the user clicks on the link it opens up the text file?<!--content-->I have a HTML page in which I want to display a text file. This text file is one of the field in my form and it should appear as a standard text file with the standard text file image. When the users clicks it it should open and also the users should be able to Copy and Paste this text file.<!--content-->that doesn't help. what does he mean by text image? how can it be in the form field and be clickable if it is not a link. dispaly a text file is a lot different than clicking on it. see where I going with this.<!--content-->ok you know when you save a .txt file, lets say to your desktop, that logo you see.<br />
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he might mean someone clicks the image and the contents of that text file appear in the formfield.<!--content-->I see,, so which way does he want it?<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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As you said, when some one saves the text file to the desktop you see the image. I want such a image in my HTML form. And on clicking that image in my HTML form, it should open the contents in a window(I know this much we can do with a link)..but it should be with that image. Also, the user should be able to copy and paste this .txt FROM THE HTML FORM.<br />
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Iam seeing this all happenning in another environemnt here(Lotus Notes screen) and I now want to replace this action in HTML.<br />
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Please suggest some ideas.<!--content-->well just get a copy of that icon and use it in your html page for the link and then when you click on the link have it open up in another window. being a txt file it will automatically print out like a txt file. you then have to select all of it and then copy. if you want them to Download <!--more--> it then all they have to do is right click on the image adn save target as. is that what you're looking for?<!--content-->also when you say html form do you mean a form you fill out or just the page in general. sorry it is confusing for me when you say form.<!--content-->