HTML Help Please


This shouldn't be a hard question for a pro...<br />
Ok this is what I need...Lets say I have a page with an iframe on it. And I click a link that loads in the iframe, but the page that is loading in the iframe is bigger then the iframe so it will obviously have scrollbars in it. I'm trying to find a script that will stretch the iframe to the exact size of the page that is being loaded in it, so there is no need for any iframe scrollbars... if your wondering if I should do scrolling="0", That won't work because the whole page is still not visible in the iframe know what I mean? <br />
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If anyone has a solution or a Script I'm seriously begging you for it!!! Thanks in Advance!<!--content-->Have you tried setting the height and width?<br />
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<IFRAME src="foo.html" width="400" height="500"<br />
scrolling="no" frameborder="1"><br />
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W3C Iframe (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... def-IFRAME</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Ye I have, but since the pages that I need to load in the iframe are different sizes then I can't actually use an iframe size. So I basically need the iframe to stretch or shrink to the heigh and width of the pages that are going to be loaded in it, you know what I mean?<br />
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Thanks...<!--content-->A "page" doesn't have a specific height and width per se, so I doubt you would be able to determine the "size" the iframe window needed to be in the first place. Why not just have the pages open in a new window if the size changes all the time?<!--content-->Take a look at, This is the site that I'm trying to use this method on. If you go on the navigation click on...Security>Archive>Microsoft, the page will have 2 scroll bars this is VERY VERY BAD! The reason I use the iframe is because of loading time, if I had every page load with the top header and the navigation strip it would take way too long to load. Thanks....<!--content-->If you're worried about the load time that much, use frames. You will get the same results, and it will eliminate your scrollbar problem.<!--content-->Originally posted by Xstem <br />
Take a look at, This is the site that I'm trying to use this method on. If you go on the navigation click on...Security>Archive>Microsoft, <br />
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Of cource that is impossible since Security doesn't have an Archive subfolder.<br />
Try again.<br />
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BTW, your menu is quite broken in Gecko (Moilla, NS 6+ etc browsers). Very hard to see the text of subfolders.<br />
You should definitly fix that coding error since a broken navigationsystem is much more severe then if you get scrollbars or not on a page.<br />
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There is also other stuff that look broken in Gecko browsers, like the top bar.<!--content-->Um...<!--content-->Well I think your wrong becuase it sauy Exploit Doc. Archive in the sub menu, I thought you would have figured that out on your own. But that's ok. I am sure there is nothing wrong with the Navigational system, because it has been tested on thousands of machines. The light green (7bad18) on the dark gray (60676f), seems to work nicely. Maybe you should try adjusting the color or contrast of your monitor.<!--content-->Originally posted by Xstem <br />
Well I think your wrong becuase it sauy Exploit Doc. Archive in the sub menu...<br />
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Um you just said you were wrong, not me.<br />
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I am sure there is nothing wrong with the Navigational system, because it has been tested on thousands of machines.<br />
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On all those thousands of systems it's tested on, are you saying that you forgot to check it on a non IE browser ? Did you also forget to check on a non Windows OS?<br />
In that case what was the point of making that large test?<br />
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The easy to veryfy fact is that the navigation system on that page breaks in many funky ways as soon as you don't use IE.<br />
And that is a product of sloppy proprietary coding.<br />
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The light green (7bad18) on the dark gray (60676f), seems to work nicely. Maybe you should try adjusting the color or contrast of your monitor. <br />
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Mayby you should Download <!--more--> a less buggy browser and check how the menu looks in it and realize that the problem isn't the contrast, but that the backgroundcolor doens't appear at all...<!--content-->Actually it has been tested on the following OS:<br />
<br />
Windows<br />
Windows 95<br />
Windows 98<br />
Windows NT<br />
Windows NT 4.0<br />
Windows NT 5.0<br />
Windows NT 5.1<br />
Windows dows NT<br />
Windows 2000<br />
Windows ME<br />
Windows XP<br />
<br />
MacOS<br />
MacOS PowerPC<br />
<br />
Unix<br />
Linux 5.0<br />
Linux 6.0<br />
Linux 7.0<br />
Linux 8.0<br />
Lindows<br />
<br />
And the following Browsers:<br />
MS Internet Explorer 4.01<br />
MS Internet Explorer 4.5<br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.0 <br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.01<br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.14<br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.15<br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.22<br />
MS Internet Explorer 5.5<br />
MS Internet Explorer 6.0<br />
MS Internet Explorer 6.0b<br />
<br />
<br />
Opera 5.12<br />
Opera 6.0<br />
Opera 6.01<br />
Opera 6.03 <br />
Opera 6.04<br />
Opera 6.05<br />
Opera 6.1<br />
Opera 7.0 <br />
<br />
Netscape Navigator 6.2.1<br />
Netscape Navigator 7.0<br />
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I hope that's enough for you.<br />
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Um you just said you were wrong, not me. <br />
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How did I say that I was wrong? Hmm... maybe if you really read what I wrote you would understand. When I told you to look at Security>Archive>Microsoft on the Nav, I was implying that "Archive" was short for "Exploit Doc Archive" since there is nothing else in the Security sub menu with the world Archive in it, therefore I thought you would be able to figure that one on your own, unfortunatly you weren't, sorry I had to waist my time explaining this to you.<!--content-->Originally posted by Xstem <br />
I hope that's enough for you.<br />
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That is a very long and impressive list, however it's obviously incorrect.<br />
When I first went to that page of yours I tried it with 3 browsers on Win98SE<br />
IE 6.01<br />
Opera 6.05<br />
and<br />
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021204 Phoenix/0.4<br />
<br />
Only IE 6 works as (I assume) you would expect.<br />
In gecko the background fails and in opera you don't even get the popup when hovering the menu.<br />
I also tried to visit the page with Opera 7beta, but your site actually CRASHED that browser.<br />
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Obviously I don't really care if your website is compleatly busted or not, I just thought you might be interested in knowing it so you could do something about it.<br />
This however does not seem to be the case.<br />
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Did include a screenshot for you from Mozilla.<br />
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When I told you to look at Security>Archive>Microsoft on the Nav, I was implying that "Archive" was short for "Exploit Doc Archive".<br />
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Which was very difficoult for me to know and figure out since your menu was pretty much broken in the first 2 browsers I tested with.<br />
When looking at it in IE as the 3rd browser I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out which link it could be hiding under as it to me by that time stood as quite obvious that your main problem on the site was not the appearance of scrollbars on a well hidden page, but that the entire site navigation was busted in non IE browsers.<!--content-->