HTML heeeeeeellllllppppppp ?


Could someone please help, after months of blundering my way through creating a website I tried to validate the damn thing and was told by the validator it was full of errors.<br />
As I don't have either the time or inclination to learn html is there anyone out there that will help me.<br />
My web site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> if anyone wishes to have a look or offer some help, a reply to this with the right code would be really helpful.<br />
I'm sure most people will find this extremely easy but as I have explained I just don't have the time.:( :confused: :mad:<!--content-->its the shockwave...<br />
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ive used flash on my site, and no matter how "correct" the code may be for the flash, the validator always finds it wrong...:(<!--content-->It's not just the Shockwave the FastCounter Code will cause errors, perhaps using Shockwave wasn't the best idea. Basically the main reason it will always fail is because you have <embed> which is propriety.<br />
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However, there would be ways to disguise code and have the page validate by using JavaScript, however that's not really using good principles, furthermore the validator is weak at validating parameter attributes and can be fooled by them.<!--content-->To add a Flash movie to your webpage the correct way you should use <object>.<br />
Read this article for how to do it<br />
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