HTML? hard drive viewer


I cant remember the sight, but it was some script kiddie sight that had a box that would load whats in "My Computer" and you could browse your own computer files in it.<br />
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How do you do that and are the owners of the page with that on it able to know whats on your computer?<br />
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Also, how do i make a survey/quiz thing and then be able to save the answers to a file or send the answers to an email? Even better do the above two things and then output the answers into a poll on my site. <br />
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Right now im being hosted by geocites due to i have no money for better hosting, if that means anything.<br />
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Thanks:)<!--content-->you can load what's in your computer with a iframe, but it doesn't do any good. it just loads it that is all. you can't use it for anything. and no the site doesn't have a clue what is in it that way.<!--content-->