HTML/FTP Problem

Hi All,<br />
I am having a strange problem with uploading HTML Pages via FTP....<br />
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Hoping you can help me out with a problem....When I FTP my HTML pages on to the web they seem to lose a few k of information...Thus when I look at them online the end/bottom of the page is not there. The html is not there in the source code either via edit view source....<br />
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The pages work fine offline.<br />
I have tried changing server/host OS<br />
I have tried different FTP software (cute ftp+coffeecup)<br />
I have tried different upload formats (Binary+unicode)<br />
I have tried uploading as a different format/file name and changing afterwards<br />
I have tried a different dial up connection<br />
All with no luck =(<br />
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Has anyone got any ideas what it could be???? It basically drops the end of my file...<br />
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Thanks in advance!<!--content-->Maybe we could see some lines of code from your site..? That would really help.<br />
Personally I use WSFTP95 LE, and it works like a charm.<br />
;)<!--content-->Thanks for the reply God Zilla,<br />
I would put some code up if I thought that was the problem but it is site wide and even if I change the content the files always lose a few K.<br />
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I thought maybe it was my coding but even stripping th pages right down it still does it......<br />
Also I am using the latest version of Dreamweaver and Cute FTP...neither are showing any errors....<br />
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Thanks tho!<!--content-->Try sending the files as ASCII?<br />
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All of my HTML files are a few KB smaller after upload, as the DOS style <cr><lf> are all changed to the unix style <cr> only. That isn't your problem here if the end of the file is completely missing.<!--content-->