HTML Forum


Hello,<br />
i was wonering if there was a way to create a frum usng HTML and DAT files instead of PHP and SQL.<!--content-->Without SQL? Yes. But you need a server-side language of some sort. PHP, ASP, JSP, or whatever. It's unavoidable. Interestingly, you my be interested in DAT Fourm (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=17781</a><!-- m -->) Which Jona (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... serid=2051</a><!-- m -->) has been working on. It's very interesting...<!--content-->Why would you want to use something other thant sql and a data base? A forum is simply impossible with html alone. You must use a server side language such as asp, php,, jsp, cfml, cgi, so on and so fourth. But for the data, mysql or mssql are probably the two easiest data solutions to use, so why would anyone want to use a dat file, or a text file with deliminators, or xml? I can see access to some extent, but it is still not comperable to a good server db.<!--content-->i am hosting it of my own computer. PHP is simple but i cant get SQL on it. so i will use PHP. the sugestion above looks quite good. but i will have to edit it cosidably.<!--content-->Originally posted by spinnyscripter <br />
i am hosting it of my own computer. PHP is simple but i cant get SQL on it. so i will use PHP. the sugestion above looks quite good. but i will have to edit it cosidably. Mysql is free, why can't you use it on your machine? Like I said if you can't use a server db access is probably the only other viable option, but it would still not be as good as a server db. Why are you hosting a site from your computer? The only reason I have a server running from my machine is for testing purposes. But cable internet will not support a site well that gets any kind of traffic. Also if the site runs from your computer you cannot run any resource intensive applications on that computer anymore or you will lag up the site for your visiters. That means no games, no photoshop, so on and so fourth. Hosting a fuctioning site from a home computer should not be done. A machine should be dedicated to the server and you should have atleast a t1 to get a decent upload for the site.<!--content-->I have 2 computers, this one i am using now and my server. they both have apache but one is localhost or and the other is my website address.<!--content-->Originally posted by spinnyscripter <br />
I have 2 computers, this one i am using now and my server. they both have apache but one is localhost or and the other is my website address. good, thats a bit better. I am still assumeing that you are on 256k upload broadband though. But still, why can't you run mysql?<!--content-->i think that when i tried what i am doing now, and lost the servers. i was slightly pissed off, so i decided that i wasnot going to use SQL in the future.<!--content-->My server<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... milyid=168</a><!-- m --><!--content-->That still does not make sence. :( . Mysql will be much easier and more efficient then trying to use a file system db (a file or a bunch of files storeing your data). <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> The guys around here can give you a turorial on how to set this up and use it, but the codeing will be easier then the alternative methods. PHP and MYSQL go together like bread and butter, or so I have heard, I my self do not use php, I use, and MsSql go together like peanut butter and jelly.<!--content-->